Turning an Intel Atom based Lenovo Tablet 10 (20E4) into a Home Assistant dashboard and voice assistant. Most tutorials for dashboard displays are using Android tablets, but I had this old tablet laying around and figured out how to use it with Home Assistant.

About a month ago I thought it would be nice to be able to configure VM's and Droplets with Salt by using my existing configuration I had setup in Part 2: Configuration Management.
Welcome to my journey in building my homelab. This is part of a multipart series, in the last part I gave an overview of how to do configuration management. This one will cover how I set up my internal network.
How to embed version information into an ELF shared library?
Here are the methods I have used for embedding version information.
How to setup Reaper to send MIDI to Unreal Engine. If you are looking to use OSC instead, take a look at daw-out.
My college professor posted this image with the question
What is the output when enter is pressed?

Welcome to my journey in building my homelab. This is part of a multipart series, in the last part I gave an overview of the homelab plan. This one will cover how I handle configuration management.